A powerful tool to increase self-confidence

and plan your week

Reading time: 3 min.

I want to let you guys in on one of my secret confidence weapons.

Weekly check-ins with my friend H. were born from a simple need: having both launched our businesses, we wanted a tool to keep ourselves accountable, cheer each other up, and keep track of what mattered.

The simplest solution is often the best: we created a template questionnaire, we’d send over WhatsApp.

This habit turned out to be powerful, so powerful I use it with clients.

Three years, numerous users… here’s some key results I’ve observed:

  • increased self-confidence,

  • clarity and improved productivity,

  • better agility

Got your attention?

Let’s dive in!

As always, thank you for reading,


The Simple Mind is a newsletter to help you reduce overthinking and boost self-confidence.

Introducing weekly check-ins

The challenge we face

Weeks go by fast, as an entrepreneur, or leader you likely spend a lot of time shutting down fire and responding. It’s part of the job.

So how do you stay ahead of what you have to do? How do you keep track of the things that matter?

What are weekly check-ins?

Weekly check-ins are 3 to 6 questions, that can be filled within 15 minutes. The goal is to plan the week, reflect on the previous one, and track what you value.

Here’s my current one (I revisit the questions every semester).

  • 1 win

  • 1 Challenge

  • 1 thing I deeply enjoyed

  • Last week's priorities status (done, wip, canceled) + short comment if needed

  • Behavior in focus (way of being, pattern to implement or work on)

  • 3 priorities for the upcoming week (make it measurable and specific)

Why it’s great

1 - Practical
It’s fast and easy to use. It’s a great tool to plan your weekly schedule (I use the check-in on Monday AM to time block my calendar with tasks relating to my prio)

2 -Teaches how to clarify and set priorities
We’re not used to setting clear priorities (ex. write content). We also greatly overestimate what we can do in a day, or a week, resulting in priorities that can’t be achieved fully.

Blurry, half-achieved goals, even if they’re just in your head, set you up for feeling like a failure. The check-in teaches you to set achievable goals, and then nail them.

3 - Accountability and confidence boost
Self-confidence is trust in your ability to overcome challenges.

Weekly check-ins are proof, both in writing, and registered in your mind of your progress, your ability to overcome challenges, and achieve what you set out to do. Repeated weekly.

4 - Track what matters to you
Ever came to the realization that you had not done something really important because work took over?

Personal, lifestyle elements such as going to the gym, time with family, something we enjoy, are critical to our overall well-being.

If you write down 2 times in a row that you could not create space for what matters outside of work, you’re able to notice and adjust before weeks pass by.

5 - Creates new habits

It’s a great way to practice reflecting, to be more organized but also to create specific habits, and keep yourself accountable for it. If you list weekly 3 things you’re grateful for, you’ll create a habit for it.

One nudge for you

1 - Create your weekly check-in

The must-have: 

  • Week priority/ies (up to three, make sure you set measurable and specific ones)

  • previous week's priorities status + comment

The pick-your-own ones (2 to 4)

  • Element you value: ex: quality time with family, friends, or alone time, working out, etc.

  • Tracker for mindset improvement

    • For confidence: 1 thing you’re proud of, the challenge of the week, etc.

    • For presence: Have you mediated daily? Did you set up at least 2 hours of no phone time?, etc.

    • Gratitude: 1 thing you enjoyed, 3 things you’re grateful for

    • Behavior in focus: pick a behavior weekly, or focus on one specific (ex. practice active listening)

  • Make your own one

2 - Find a check-in buddy

Someone who will cheer you up, keep you accountable and do the exercise with you.

Not sure who to do it with or how to get started? Send me your check-in and we’ll put a system in place together!

If you’re new here, welcome! I’m Orianne, I share weekly tools to help you reduce overthinking and boost your self-confidence.

A bit more about me: I am a mindset coach. I coach brilliant humans who perform very well but want to improve their relationship with themselves (their minds).
I am a chocolate addict, live by the beach, and always read two books at the same time (currently The Celestine Prophecy and Naval Ravikant).

If you enjoyed this newsletter, you can read the previous editions and subscribe here. If you’re ready for coaching you can book an intro call, and we’ll chat!


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